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I was recently given this little gem for my Birthday, so who's luckier than me? Ok, enough grandstanding, let's get down to business. On paper, this is a fine firearm and would work in a variety of roles. Home defense, CCW (PDF), or the ever present "Truck Gun" would all be roles that this gun could fulfill and do well.
My initial impressions of the weapon were mostly favorable, I liked the size and weight and I liked the feel in the hand. The only down side was the rather sharp edges on the grip. Otherwise, the fit and finish are good, but not great, but then again, this isn't a showpiece, this is a tool.
So, obviously, after being given this little beauty, I had to take her to the range, so I did.
My shooting impression of the firearm are even better than my perception of the pistol on paper. I bought the crappiest ammo I could find, 1984 military surplus from Pakistan, and went to the range. My feelings were this; if it will feed, fire, and eject this junk, it'll do just fine with decent home grown ammo.
Well, it ate 50 rounds of Paki ammo and had not one fail to feed or fail to eject. I will admit that it did fail to stay open on an empty magazine twice, but I've had full blown 1911's do the same thing, so I'm not worried. My main concern is feeding, firing, and ejecting.
Now, where the rubber meets the road is when you pull the trigger. I was expecting the trigger to be longer and more difficult, truth be told, but it wasn't. It was easy to engage, easy to pull, super easy to stage, and all in all quite pleasant and surprisingly easy to use all around.
The weapon is accurate, although, I will admit I only had it out to about 5-6 yards, and I was just going for center mass shots, so for that purpose, it did well. It shoots a little left (that could be me as well) so I'm going to drift the rear sight to make up for that, and all should be well.
Also, I've read many places that this isn't a fun gun to shoot because it is a lightweight and it's pumping out a 9mm. I would agree and disagree with that statement. The recoil is manageable, no worries, and the report isn't that bad. There is some muzzle flash, which is more than likely due to the ammo. Otherwise, it doesn't buck nearly as bad as an airweight Smith and Wesson or my Derringer.
Where it got a little uncomfortable was the sharp points on the grip, those weren't fun. To be honest, they weren't a problem until I squeezed off a round one handed. That one hurt, but two hands, not a worry in the world.
I have doctored some of the hard edges and will probably get a sleeve grip to go over it, but it isn't really necessary, just something I'd like to do.
I carry it in a $14.00 blackhawk size 5 holster and she carries like a champ. It's very thin and light, so there's not uncomfortable or unseemly bulk around my waist. I could carry it all day long and probably not notice.
All in all, I'd have to say that this was a great choice as an everyday carry option. Will I say it's the end all be all of CCW possibilities, no. Will I say that this is a gun that anyone can handle, no.
What I will say is that if you are an experienced shooter and get this for its intended purpose, you will not be disappointed in the slightest.
That's all for now.
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