I've gone around the bend on this a couple of time, if not more, on this blog when speaking about which weapon a person should get.
I've reviewed different types of weapons, different calibers, different holsters, etc etc, I've even changed my mind a couple of times on what I'm willing and will probably end up carrying.
However, I'm not sure that I've ever really stated what I would suggest to someone were they to ask me what I thought.
I have had a couple of people ask me before what I thought and my answer has been fairly unwavering. Get something that you are comfortable with. Test out as many as you can and find one that feels comfortable in your hand, that doesn't blast so hard it startles you and something that you feel you will carry with you a good portion of the time.
I know some people who say "get this gun and then get used to it". I do NOT subscribe to this idea. I'm not going to "get used to something", thank you. I'm going to get something that is immediately comfortable to me. I don't want to have to work at something to make sure I conform to it.
When you buy a car, do you say "well, this one has all the features, but I just don't like the seats or where the controls are, but I'll get it anyway and get used to it"? Nope, you don't. Why should it be any different for a firearm?
So, I'd say test out revolvers and semi-autos and find one that feels right to you.
Maybe you don't like the complexity of a semi, that's fine, get a wheel gun. You don't like a .45 or a 9mm, get a .380 or a .32.
I've found my gun of choice. It's a revolver, a .357 GP-100. As I said in my review, we were meant to be together. It was instinctive and comfortable. I can shoot the heck out of this thing too, so all in all, it's the one for me.
And believe me, I've tried a boat load of different guns out there. I've tried every popular caliber except for .32 and .25 (hard to find rentals in that caliber) and I've tried almost all of the top tier and 2nd tier manufacturers. I've tried Smith, Springfield, Taurus, Ruger, Bersa, Glock, you name it.
So, to sum up, get what is comfortable and what will lend itself to consistent carry and consistent practice.
My two cents.
Tuesday, April 20, 2010
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