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Tuesday, April 20, 2010

So...what could happen

...if you were to draw your weapon at the wrong moment, or with the wrong intent?

Its a big question and something that your average CCW class may not cover. I don't believe it was covered in mine, but that was about a year ago, so there's that.

Anyway, the term "assault" is making a threat towards someone which causes them to fear for their lives or safety and they person making the threat is capable of carrying out the threat. This is NOT a legal definition, but a layman's term.

So, if you're hanging out with your friends and say "Dude, don't make me hurt you" in jest, then it isn't assault, because there was no fear, etc.

However, some guy in an alley states that he's going to cut you open, that might.

So, how does this come in to play with our topic, I'll tell you.

If you are over-zealous and pull your weapon on someone and they are afraid for their lives, if you are not in the right to draw that weapon you are now guilty of assault. It could be considered "aggrivated assault" since there was a deadly weapon involved.

Again, I'm not a lawyer or the police, but I do want to warn people about being a cowboy out there and just willy-nilly pulling their gun.

Heck, there was some dumb-ass in Texas (I think) that was fiddling with his gun at the check out at Wal-Mart. He took it out, dropped the mag (and I mean it hit the floor) and while he tried to replace it in the gun, the gun went off and the round hit the ceiling. He was arrested for reckless discharge of a firearm and something else, which I don't recall.

This goes back to one of the first posts I made, become familiar with your firearm and wear the novelty off of it. This guy, apparently, hadn't done that yet and he wanted to fiddle with it. Well, he's now going to jail and will lose his CCW permit for life. Not to mention the fact that he makes the rest of us look really, really bad in his states of dumb-ass-ness.

So to sum up...keep your damn weapon in its holster until such time as you are:
A. Training
B. Cleaning
C. Storing (if you have children)
D. Actively and rightfully engaged in defending your life.

If you aren't doing any of the above mentioned activities that thing NEVER leaves your holster. And by NEVER... I mean NEVER. You strap that puppy on in the morning and you don't fidget with it. You don't show it off to people, in public. You act as if you are just a normal person doing their normal things, because you are. You just happen to be a normal person with a normal firearm under their normal clothes doing their normal things.

Think, people. It will save you a lot of grief later on.

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