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Thursday, March 11, 2010

Guns don't kill people...

People kill people.

A firearm is a benign object with no moral attitude one way or the other.
It is neutral.

Bad people commit crimes. Desperate people commit crimes. Ignorant and stupid people commit crimes. Normal run of the mill law abiding citizens don't commit crimes.

the Good guys (that would include you) are just as responsible and just as unlikely to go completely whacko and start shooting up a McDonalds as they would to mow their lawn with dental floss. It doesn't happen. It is a ridiculous notion.

Do good people make mistakes, they sure do. But they also don't decide to go out by suicide by cop either or take out innocent people and cops while they are at it. They take their lumps like grown adults and go from there.

It is a fact... the good guys aren't the problem. Taking away their right to defend themselves is, in my opinion, a violation of the due process clause to the Constitution. We didn't do anything wrong, so why are we having our rights limited?

See where I'm headed?

The truth is simple, good people don't commit crimes, bad people do. If we don't let the good people defend themselves the bad guys win. And no one wants the bad guys to win, right?

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