If you've done any reading on the subject of CCW pistols, odds are you've come across this little honey in your travels; The Smith and Wesson M&P (Military and Police) model in 9mm.
I will have to say that out of all the pistols I've tried out over the course of my research, this is one of the top 2 or 3.

Now, the dimensions aren't all that dissimilar to the Glock 26, but I find that the general size is a little more favorable to carrying and carrying often. It just doesn't feel as blocky. I haven't measured it, but perception is more important in this case than the actual dimensions.
I will be perfectly honest with you; this is the smoothest, easiest, and otherwise "buttah" like semi-auto that I have ever fired.
The accuracy is impressive, the reliability is outstanding, and the recoil is really non-existent.
You can pump out round after round and not move that far off target. Also, this is an intuitive shooter, you don't necessarily have to sight down the barrel to get a good shot off.
They are, however, a little pricey. They aren't, last time I checked, that far off from a Glock, but nowadays, every dollar counts, right?
I mean, if you can get one, get one. If you put this up against a Glock and an XD (Springfield) you'll find that these three pistols are in the same market and pretty much on par with each other. They are, in my opinion, almost interchangable. Just grab one of the three and see which one feels best to you and you can't go wrong!
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