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Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Ladies...carry, please

Contrary to popular opinion and even contrary to my own, very personal, feelings on things, women should definitely get licensed and carry a firearm.

It isn't that I don't think that women should be armed or that women can't shoot, blah, blah, blah. It is the naive and very hopeful belief that if something ever does happen that I'll be there with my wife and that I'll be able to take care of the problem or be the sacrificial lamb so that the wife can haul boogie out of there.

Yeah, I know, it's campy, it's a little outdated, but that's how I'd rather it happened if, God forbid, it ever does have to happen.

Baring that... a woman should most definitely carry a firearm with her, period.

There are a couple of reasons behind this:

1. Women are considered "easy targets" by wouldbe attackers.
2. Women are, by and large, not as physically strong as men
3. NO ONE would expect a woman to be carrying and therefore, if something bad happened, you'd be ignored and thereby given a little extra time to draw your weapon and stop said bad guy.

Your carry options are about the same as a guy with the exception (in my mind) of the shoulder holster.

I would NOT, and by NOT, I mean FOR THE LOVE OF ALL THINGS CUTE AND FLUFFY DON'T, carry in your purse. It's the first thing a bad guy is going to grab and take and run, or grab and throw to the side. So, it's a bad place to stash your weapon.

Just my two cents.

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