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Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Size matters...

...shut up, not like that!

I'm talking about the size of the weapon you are considering carrying about your person.

As I say, you need to be comfortable, you need to be at ease, you need to consistently carry. To do that, you need the right size for the job.

I'm a big guy, 6'6" tall, about 230-240 on the hoof. I'm patently capable of carrying a full sized honking sidearm and no one being any wiser. However, I really don't want to do that. It's heavy, it's bulky, it's uncomfortable. It would become a hinderance and I'd stop carrying after a while, I know me.

At the same time, if I got a .32acp pocket pistol, I wouldn't want to carry that either, simply because I wouldn't be able to get my hand on it quickly, I wouldn't be able to intrinsiclly "feel" where it is on me and I'd fumble with it. I might still carry it, but I wouldn't be comfortable with it.

I need something that doesn't weigh me down, doesn't make me list to one side, I can get my hand comfortably around the grip under stress and doesn't print when I wear it, and carries the best round with the highest capacity and also is something I can shoot well.

While that sounds like a lot to consider, it isn't really when you start poking around at your local gun store. You can almost intuitively determine what would be best for you.

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