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Wednesday, March 10, 2010

You have a decision to make...part 3

And this is the most important decision you will make on this subject, period.
Can you pull the trigger? Can you make that decision?

If you can't, that's fine, it doesn't make you a bad person, it certainly speaks to your compassion and humanity, and I applaud you for making that decision. It probably took some soul searching.

If you decide that you can, that too doesn't make you a bad person. It also speaks to your compassion and humanity and your willingness to defend yourself and those around you. I applaud you for making that decision.

There's no one out there that will tell you that making that decision and pulling the trigger and taking someone's life is easy. It can't be. We are genetically predisposed to protecting life. We are born and raised to respect life.
I can't speak to, and I hope I never have to, what its like to have to make the ultimate decision.

However, if the worst case scenario comes to pass, I can answer this question easily.
Will I feel more guilt for letting someone else get hurt or killed when I COULD have done something about it than if I intervened and a bad guy went down? The answer is simple to me. I would feel worse and I would have more regret if I didn't act and someone got hurt.

Would I have regret if I took a bad guy's life...yeah, I would. Heck I'd probably throw up and sob uncontrollably for quite some time. I'd probably lose sleep and have daymares and nightmares about it. I'm pretty sure that's the case. However, I'd much prefer that to the regret, shame, and helplessness I would feel if someone didn't get to go home to their family because I failed to act.

So, ask yourself that question. Can you do it?

And really...take your time on this one, it's the biggest decision involved.

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